Friday, September 14, 2012

positive posters

As part of the activities we are doing for this Jobfind CDEP project one of the aims was to try and get participants to use the skills we’re attempting to teach them for good use in their community.
The participants seemed extremely shy about using their own faces for posters so instead we helped them to Google image search various photos of rubbish and empty beer bottles for the subject of the posters we made.

This is the first one we made, Edmond chose all the background pictures of rubbish and with help was shown how to arrange them for the background of his poster.
Posters 001

Posters 017

Edmond and his finished product:
Posters 007

After Edmond had finished his, he grabbed one of the cameras at the Jobfind CDEP training centre and decided to document Dale the mentor helping Lukane with his poster. Good job Edmond…!
Posters 022

Searching for pictures of empty beer bottle for Lukane’s poster
Posters 020

One of Lukane’s many chosen background images for his poster
Posters 023

Arranging and resizing the beer bottle images for the background..
Posters 024

Lukane enjoying scrolling through the many different font choices for his poster in the making:
Posters 027

Lukane holds up his finished poster with a look of seriousness.
Posters 028

The two awesome posters designed by Edmond and Lukane. good job!
Posters 029