Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Razacks and Waynes Edits

Razack and Wayne dropped by the Jobfind CDEP training center a couple of days ago, and like with Ian in the previous post, we helped them learn the basics of image editing and manipulation, here’s Razack working with Polarfox and
Showing off his edits and prints he chose to do:

iphone 108
Above, editing the shot below:

Emerald River 104_l

iphone 110
Above, starting the editing for the shot below:

Emerald River 076_l

Razacks Edits (1)

Razack standing proudly with his personally edited printouts.
He was so amazed by what he could do so easily to the pictures, he kept telling us how awesome it was!

Groote_Eylandt_MEDIA_PROJ_PICS 006

Groote_Eylandt_MEDIA_PROJ_PICS 007


Wayne came in also and we showed him the same things as Razack, he was also really happy with the ease at which he was able to change the mood of the pictures, he ended up printing out a bunch of good looking prints too…







Stay tuned for more!